Thursday, November 28, 2013


When Johnny took his pants off, he had a little thing!
that I had never seen before!
mine must have been all squashed in!?
We checked to see and can't be sure
his mom just chased me out the door.

My eyes were wide as saucers,
I ran as fast could be,
to tell my dad what I couldn't see
but he was cross and said I'm bad
and that's from having daughters

Teacher, teacher what's a nickname?
Pauly says it's short
yes! she said, it means "like you", but....
Oh I know, I know! It starts with "little"
like when Daddy called me slut?...

I got to the dinner table dying to tell
that the teacher said a BAD word
Dad wagged his finger very close to my face
"children are to be seen,
but NEVER to be heard"

I hid my voice in my cupboard 
and took it out to play
My Barbie's name was "little slut"
and Ken was "little bastard"
but don’t you worry, don’t feel bad
cause Uncle Paddy said
It can be our secret
and he, can fix anything.


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