Diana Cooper, Angel Seminar 3 May 2014, Wanderer’s Club,
Rubbing our hands together Diana explained how to feel and
become aware of our auras. We all grounded and protected ourselves throughout
the 12 chakras (5 disappeared after the age of Atlantis, but now returning and
re-instated). We are moving toward the Golden Age in 2032 with many people
reaching spiritual consciousness in the
time between now and then. 2012 being the mark of the end of the Age of
Each Archangel was called upon and from Sandolphyn spinning black
and white becoming silver under our feet in the Earth star chakra, grounding
and anchoring me to the earth, up through the root chakra (Platinum) Sacral
chakra in pale pink and the navel chakra in orange, protected by Gabriel . The
solar Plexis covered by Uriel in gold and heart by Archangel Chamuel in pure
white. Throat chakra is royal blue with Archangel Michael
protecting. Third eye was depicted as a crystal transparent ball of
green. Jophiel is at the crown chakra
with it’s 1000 petalled lotus. The causeal chakra is the domain of Christiel in
pure white, the soul star chakra, Zadkiel is magenta and Metatron who looks
into the sources eyes on the stellar gateway chakra in gold. The soul star covered and enveloped me and sped up and
down my chakras. Small to the bottom and up to the top increasing in size like
wide open arms until it reached all of the universe. Then Archangel Chamuel’s protective light was called upon, Metatron’s Gold light poured down the middle and holding
forth and then pouring in the bright white light of Christ.
Diana explained to us that we each have a protecting
Archangel and we should ask who it is. Although I know I have a specific
protecting Angel, I use the four she mentions later most of the time.
She said that some of us had a dragon, which would burn away
any negative energy at our command. We could use him either up and down our
Chakras, at a specific place or around a specific person. My dragon is called Joffre and I felt
immediately calm at feeling him at my side.
……opening the heart chakra…….. in couples we covered our
partner with Chamuel’s protective pale pink light and the gold light of
Metatron. We opened first the outer layer of 11 petals, slowly one at a time, then
to the next layer of 11, down to the layer of 9 and the last 3 petals right on
the inner circle of the heart. We sang the name of the person into their heart
with all the love that was in our own. Then we very gently whispered their name
right into the center of their heart.
The diamond meditation connected us to all that is abundant
and wealthy. Placing the diamond shape around and over us, and proceeding with
our walk with diamond energy radiating from our being. This could be used to
cover your house and the desires of your heart and soul. We then had to
envisage everything that we wanted and how our lives should look in abundance.
We then told our partner our vision as if it was already so and then claimed
that it was already so.
The thousand petalled crown chakra was opened in the same
way as the heart, firstly covering and protecting with Chamuel’s light and then
the gold light of Archangel Metatron.
This literally felt like a crown of a thousand petals. My head reached up and
into and fit the crown. It was connected at the tip of each petal with the
outer reaches of the universe. A feeling of prickly heaviness came over my head
and my mind felt very open.
In groups of three we rubbed our hands creating a ball, a
sphere of yellow light and meditated on an animal coming into that light and
the message it gave us. In sharing, there was a wolf and the message was to
trust. I had NinjaKat and her message was simply to “Enjoy”. A dog was present and his message was “not to worry quite as much.”
We connected to the elementals in a quiet glade. I had a green pixie jump into the palm of my
hand. We were instructed to become a bridge between the elementals and the
animals. We then were introduced to our unicorn, who showered us with blessings
and we were instructed to get up and go along for a ride. The ride took us out
into the universe up, up, up, and then deep into mother earth where we were
introduced to Lady Gaia.
We were introduced to
our birth families before we chose them and assured that we were here for a
reason and had a special purpose. Lady Gaia told me how much she loved me and
that she knows the journey had been tough, but that to fulfill my purpose,
everything was as it should be and perfect and that I did belong and that she
understood and loved me before I came to earth. Right here was where I cried
for the journey being as tough as it has been and shed some of the heaviness and
I cry as I write this. It was like meeting my long passed
over Grandmother who loved me so very much and who I miss to this day. I felt
the unconditional love from Lady Gaia seep deeply into my heart.
Protection always………..Calling on the Archangels for
protection we were instructed to visualize a large circle surrounding us. I had
Angel Michael covering the front portion of the circle in deep blue. Raphael
stands to the right quadrant of the circle in pure white. Gabriel standing
behind me filling the back quadrant in green and Uriel on the left, filling that side with yellow light.
Sandolphyn again holds the area under my feet with silver light (platinum) and
Metatron holds the top position in gold light. The pure white light of Christ
is then pour over and into enveloping everything.
We made an intention to Seriphum that whoever was right to
lead South Africa into the next few years should step forward. We did this with seven long “Ohms” (this was a
request from one of the audience)
Diana listed 12 masters like Peter the Great, Jesus, Abraham
etc that had their own function and we were to choose the one that resonated
with us. Mine was definitely the 12th, being St. Catherine of Sienna
and her function of igniting in a person a spiritual flame. We got together
again in a trio, shared our Master and handed over our Karma to the master. The
two other parties then helped to draw the Karma out of our bodies. Very
powerful and I was very hot and flushed after.
We called on Mother Mary and received her cloak. This was
amazing as Diana led us through a meditation where sprouted wings and could
reach out and envelop those that we wanted to bless and send them love and a
far reaching unconditional love hug. I can still feel my wings and will use
them every day.
What an amazing gift!
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